- Yields: 6 bagels
- Preparation: 10 minutes
- 6 bagels
- 1 cup (250mL) Nordica Smooth Plain
- 1 tsp (5mL) lemon juice
- 1 tbsp (15mL) fresh dill, chopped
- 1/2 cup (125mL) cucumber, chopped
- 2 cups (500mL) baby shrimp, cooked
- 3/4 cup (175mL) stuffed green olives
- salt
- pepper
- Halve bagels. Set aside.
- In bowl, combine cottage cheese, lemon juice, and salt and pepper to taste. Stir in fresh dill and cucumber. Coarsely chop shrimp and olives, reserving a cup of shrimp for garnish. Stir into cottage cheese mixture. Spread over bagel halves. Garnish with reserved whole shrimps.