With obesity and overweight rates in Canada at an all-time high, consumers, health professionals and even politicians are looking to foodservice operations to create healthier eating environments.
Offering healthier choices doesn’t need to be complicated: more vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lower fat dairy products and lean meats and alternatives and less processed “junk” food. So, how does that translate to real choices on the foodservice menu?
A Simple Choice
Consider the typical “Diet Plate Special”. The scoop of cottage cheese on a lettuce leaf beside the canned peach half has been a menu staple for years. Simple, and low in fat and calories, but is there more to that ‘dieter’s delight’?
Indeed, including higher protein foods (like cottage cheese) at meals and snacks can reduce perceived hunger and improve perceptions of satiety which can help manage overeating and facilitate compliance to weight loss diets.1,2
Dietary intervention studies have consistently shown that higher protein diets can be effective for weight management. Studies show that subjects eat less and body weight loss is greater on higher protein diets.3,4,5 Greater satiety may also help promote the larger initial weight loss that is observed with higher protein intakes.6
So, cottage cheese, packed with protein, makes for a simple, nutritious health and weight-conscious menu choice.
Calcium Bonus studies show that calcium, especially from dairy products, encourages the body to utilize fat as fuel, decrease fat storage and increase fat breakdown.1,2,3 Each Nordica® Single Serve Cottage Cheese provides between 10 to 20 percent of the Daily Value for calcium. Good for your clients’ bones and their waistline!
Move Over Diet Plate Special!
Looking for simple, healthy menu choices that your clients and consumers will love? Nordica® Single Serve Cottage Cheese, in convenient, pre-portioned servings, is packed with protein and low in calories and fat the perfect combo for a healthy waistline!
- Only 90 calories in the plain and fat free varieties and less than 120 in the fruit flavours!
- Packed with 11 grams of protein in each serving
- ZERO grams of fat in the fat free and 1 gram in other varieties!
And, with scrumptious flavours like Summer Berry or Tropical Fruit, Nordica® Single Serve Cottage Cheese is a smart choice for your menus:
- In the workplace cafeteria
- At the recreational facility snack bar
- In the school lunch program, tuck shop or cafeteria
- In residential care, hospitals and other health care facilities
1 Leidy HJ et al. Obesity 2007; 15(2):421-29.
2 Nickols-Richardson SM et al. J Am Diet Assoc, 2005; 105(9):1433-7.
3 Weigle DS et al. Am J Clin Nutr, 2005; 82(1):41-8.
4 Dumesnil JG et al. Br J Nutr, 2001; 86(5):557-68.
5 Skov AR et al. Int J Obes, 1999; 23(5): 258-36.
6 Nickols-Richardson SM et al. J Am Diet Assoc, 2005; 105(9):1433-7.
1 Major GC et al. Obesity Reviews 2008;9:428-445.
2 Shi H et al. 2001. FASEB J 15:291-293.
3 Zemel MB. 2004. Am J Clin Nutr 79(Suppl):907S-912S
Please feel free to contact Shannon Crocker with any questions pertaining to the articles at SCrocker@gayleafoods.com